Paper Development Workshop
“The Antecedents and Impact of Sustainable Entrepreneurship: An International Perspective”
San Sebastian, Spain
26th - 27th of June, 2024
About the Workshop
We are pleased to extend an invitation to participate in a Paper Development Workshop focused on the concept of Sustainable Entrepreneurship.
The workshop is linked to a special issue in the Small Business Economics Journal and intends to explore the antecedents and impact of sustainable entrepreneurship from an international perspective.
The purpose of the PDW is to cultivate a collaborative environment where you can present your initial ideas and research plans. You will have the unique opportunity to:
- Engage directly with the guest editors and network with potential contributors.
- Receive personalized feedback aimed at refining your research questions, methods, and theoretical framework.
- Discuss and exchange insights with peers who are working on related topics, fostering potential

Hosting Organization
The workshop will be organized by Deusto Business School in collaboration with the Observatory of Entrepreneurship in the Basque country.
It will take place in the Campus of the Deusto Business School in San Sebastian (Spain)

Organizing Team
Dr. Iñaki Peña-Legazkue, Deusto Business School (San Sebastian, Spain)
Dra. Maria Saiz Santos, GEM CAPV, University of the Basque Country (Bilbao, Spain)
Dr. Valery Chistov, Deusto Business School (San Sebastian, Spain)
Dr. José Luis González-Pernía, Deusto Business School (San Sebastian, Spain)
Scientific Committee
Dr. David Audretsch, Editor In Chief at Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal
Dr. Jacob Hörisch, Leuphana University (Luneburg, Germany)
Dr. Roy Thurik, Montpellier Business School (France); Emeritus Professor at Erasmus School of Economics and the Free University (Netherlands).
Submission Guidelines and Key Dates:
31st of March, 2024 – Deadline for submission of extended abstracts (up to 4000 words)
Please email your Extended Abstract to ipena@deusto.es (with the subject line “PDW on Sustainable Entrepreneurship”)
15th of April, 2024 – Announcement of selected abstracts
15th of April – 3rd of May, 2024 – Registration period for the Workshop
26th – 27th of June, 2024 – Conference dates
Registration Guidelines:
Registration System:
The registration system for the conference will open on April 15th, after the official announcement of accepted papers, and will remain open until May 3rd.
Registration will be confirmed after receiving full payment. Those who do not receive a confirmation notice before the conference are requested to contact the registration secretariat by mail at vchistov@deusto.es
The conference fee for the workshop is 100€, which includes admission to all academic sessions, the roundtables, coffee breaks, two lunches, and the gala dinner on June 26th.
We have negotiated a special accommodation price for the PDW participants at the SILKEN AMARA PLAZA Hotel from June 25 to 28. The hotel is conveniently located just 8 minutes away by foot from the campus of Deusto Business School (the conference location) and within walking distance of the main attractions of San Sebastian. The price for an individual room is 150€, and for a double, it is 165€. It also includes breakfast.
If you choose this option, please email your request to grupos.deusto@nautaliaempresas.es. The subject line should state: att. TAMARA CARRO “Workshop on Sustainable Entrepreneurship.” You will have to provide your full name, your passport number, and the invoice address. After that, you will receive the link to proceed with the payment.
The special price will apply only if you make your reservation before the 25th of April.
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